Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 3/27/22
Hey Everyone!
Hope you had a good week!
I have a few updates for you across the board!
Lycan: Solomon's Odyssey Chapter 1
Started working on the website where I'll have an email list, book info, and the store for physical and digital copies. The digital copies will end up being a little cheaper there than on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Continuing to research sales, marketing, and different avenues of distribution!
Chapter 2
No new pages from the artist this week, however I do have some pages from the colorist! We received pages 12-17 and they look fantastic!
Chapter 3
The editor began editing the rough draft and so far she seems to really like it! I'll be excited to pour through her extensive notes and continue to refine the script until its finalized and ready for production!
That's all I have this week, I hope you have a great week ahead! Thanks, take care, and have a great day!