Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 01/19/23

Hey everyone!

Hope you're having a great week!

Lots of updates for you!

In general, I've been applying to conventions for 2023! If you would to see which conventions I'll be attending, you can check them out here on my website. The conventions listed will also connect you directly to the convention so you can purchase tickets if you're interested! I'll update as I continue getting more acceptance notifications!

Chapter 2

No shipping news, which is to be expected. However, production on Kickstarter rewards continues! Charles and I started the audio commentary. We are half way finished with recording, and expected to finish this upcoming weekend. 

The audio version of the book is also underway. The cast has been set, the scripts have been sent out. Some recordings have already come in. Once I have them all, I'll piece it together, edit, and add audio embellishments to the background.

Chapter 3

Production has begun!

Sal has started creating character sketches. Of the first three sketches, one was perfect and needed no changes. The other two sketches we had a few back and forth discussions to refine the concepts to finality.

Since then I received another 3 character sketches. Two of them were perfect and needed no changes. The remaining one required many changes. I don't put that on Sal, it's just how the process can go sometimes where how I describe it, is not how the other person envisions it. So, we keep going back and forth and narrowing things down bit by bit until the character is final. 

Chapter 4

The outline for Chapter 4 has been completed. The writing editor has been signed and has received the outline. Once I hear back and get approval or changes, I'll begin production on the script!

Those are all the updates I have for you at this time! Take care and have a great week!


Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 01/30/2023


Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 1/8/23