Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 04/02/2023
Hey everyone! Hope you had a great weekend!
This was quite the week! Since the last post I attended Galaxycon in Richmond which was fantastic! We had one of our friends from Louisiana up all week and it was quite a weird birthday, so it was pretty busy.
Richmond Galaxycon
I had a great convention, meeting new people as well as old friends, and of course, selling books! I even had a person from my first convention last year come by a few times to say hello and pick up the new book! It was a lot of fun and I'm sure we'll cover it in greater detail on the podcast.
We had friends from all over the country meeting at this convention so I got to see and spend time with old friends. I even stayed up late the night before the convention and baked some cookies. I only got a couple hours of sleep, but the joy the cookies brought was worth it.
One other highlight of the show as that John Rhys Davies came by on Saturday and was wishing every table good luck and a good show. He also apparently went to one of the con parties to see people and say hi, and lastly he stayed after the show was over Sunday so that vendors could get a chance to take pictures and say hi. What a super nice guy!
Lycan: Solomon's Odyssey Chapter 3
We have up to page 8 of the book art finished! Or drawn at least. Page 9 is nearly finished, just one more minor fix before the artist produces the final page.
As the pages are finished and sent over, I pass them to the colorist. Once I get those pages, I'll send them to the letterer! The conveyor built continues!
Those are all the updates I have for you at this point! I'll keep you posted as more pages are completed and more convention news comes in!