Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 1/23/22

Hey everyone! Hope you had a great week!

Lots of stuff going on this week in all 3 phases of Lycan: Solomon's Odyssey.

For Chapter 1, I received updated templates from the printer so we can rectify the printing issues moving forward on other books. I also took the template and put every page into the new format to solve our current issues. I sent the files back to the printer and I should receive a digital proof by the end of the day Monday to find out if the book is ready to print!

Chapter 2 continues to progress! The first three pages of the book are completely drawn. I just received the final files, which are going to the colorist for the next step! Today I received a finished pencil version of Page 4 as well. I have also received rough outlines for pages 5 and 6.

I began writing the script for Chapter 3 this week. I have 11 pages complete for the rough draft. My hope this week, is to get about 10 pages done a day so that by the next update, the rough draft will be finished. We'll see how that goes, this book will be about 30% longer than the first two clocking in around 86ish pages.

I'm excited to get these stories out to you! I hope everyone has a great week!


Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 1/31/22


Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 1/16/22