Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 4/26/22

Hey everyone! Hope you had a great week! Sorry for the late post, these past couple weeks have been absolutely nuts! Let's talk about some updates!

Lycan: Solomon's Odyssey Chapter 1

The book has shipped! Huzzah! According to the printer, it should take between 6-8 weeks normally to arrive, but with the pandemic, and a war, they said to add an estimated 2 to 3 weeks. So I'm hoping to have them sometime in June or early July! 

I received the hats for the Kickstarter rewards last week too! That means there is only 1 reward that hasn't arrived yet. That single hockey jersey for my Chief Exposure Officer, Charles McFall.

Chapter 2

We received finished art pages for 29 & 30. We also received the sketches or rough layouts for pages 31, 32, and 33.

No news on the coloring or art front for the book itself, but we did receive the final file for what will be used as a cardboard stand out at the convention booth!

Chapter 3

I began going through the various edits left by my editor Steph. She did make one request that is a fairly sizable shake up in removing a page from one section and adding it to another. But for right now, as I have the time, I have been just going page by page and making the edits that she suggested.

Those are all the updates I have for you right now! Thank you for your interest and your support. I greatly appreciate it! Take care, and have a great week!


Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 5/1/22


Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 4/17/22