Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 7/9/23
Hey everyone!
Hope you've all had a great week! Lots of updates for you!
Chapter 3
We received the finished page 33 from the artist! There is one minor continuity fix needed for page 32, but it's not a biggy!
We received pages 8 & 9 from the colorist, though each of those pages do need tiny fixes, but shouldn't be much of a problem!
Chapter 4
I finished the rough draft for Chapter 4! I sent it over to the editor, and as it currently sits, the book will be 107 pages of story with 1 page of Kickstarter extras. I'm sure the editor may shorten some bits, but for now it's in her hands!
I'm excited to see what she thinks, and where the book can improve!
Those are all the updates I have at this time! Thanks, take care, and have a great day!