Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 8/4/21

Hey Everyone! Hope you're having a great week! Again, sorry for the radio silence. It seems when you're crazy busy trying to prepare for a Kickstarter campaign, it is easy to lose track of time!

Lots and lots to update you on though! First off, the Kickstarter is set to kick off on 9/3/21. Head to to sign up for a reminder, or on the day of the launch and for its duration, that link will take you to the Kickstarter itself! If you're heading to Dragoncon and you plan to back the project, come and find me! Show me your proof of backing and I'll give you a free sticker!

First up we have the art! Our artist has completed 26/30 pages in the 2nd part of our book! We also have the final sketch in for page 27. There was a lot of great discussion back and forth on how best to illustrate that page and I think we nailed it!

Our colorist submitted up to page 8/30 of the 2nd part of the book. The coloring is always awe inspiring to me and I can't get enough. Can never give enough kudos to this art team!

Lycan: Solomon's Odyssey Chapter 2 has just finished its second draft! The editor and I are cleaning up some last few comments and then we will give it one more detailed look for any things we may have missed the previous times around. 

Galvosaur, our art editor, has taken on some design duties for the Kickstarter! He even designed the stickers and marketing materials I'll be taking with me to Dragoncon! Cloverkin will be designing some of our Kickstarter items. Emily Swan will be designing others! I can't go into detail about them all just yet, but I can't wait to share them! My suit is currently being altered, at which point I plan to memorize the script for the Kickstarter video, record it, edit it, and post it! So much work, so little time!

As I ramp up to Dragoncon and the Kickstarter, I'm racking my brain trying to figure out if there's any detail I missed. In addition, I'm trying to figure out podcasts, magazines, or websites that might be interested in promoting the book.

Thank you everyone for your support on this project so far, it means the world to me! Thanks, take care, and have a great week!


Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 9/25/21


Lycan: Solomon’s Odyssey Updates 3/13/22